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How to Write Better TypeScript Code - Best Practices for Clean, Effective, and Scalable Code

How to Write Better TypeScript Code - Best Practices for Clean, Effective, and Scalable Code

Published: at 05:52 PM

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As TypeScript has grown in popularity, developers have embraced it for its type safety, scalability, and powerful tooling in modern web applications. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced developer, refining your TypeScript skills can make a significant difference in the quality, maintainability, and readability of your codebase. This guide will walk you through practical tips and best practices to help you write better TypeScript code.

Why Focus on Writing Better TypeScript Code?

TypeScript brings robust typing and tooling, but the way you write your code matters when it comes to delivering value, reducing errors, and maintaining clean, readable code. Knowing how to utilize TypeScript’s features effectively ensures:

1. Leverage Strict Typing Options

TypeScript’s compiler options allow you to enforce stricter type-checking rules. Setting "strict": true in your tsconfig.json is a great starting point, but consider enabling additional options like:

Stricter typing often reveals hidden bugs and makes your codebase more reliable.

2. Use Types and Interfaces Wisely

Both type and interface allow you to define the shape of objects, but each has its strengths:

interface User {
  id: number;
  name: string;
  email: string;

Type: Use types for unions or creating more complex data structures where you don’t need extension.

type Status = "active" | "inactive" | "pending";

Understanding when to use each will lead to more maintainable, predictable code.

3. Prefer unknown Over any

The any type is often misused, as it allows any kind of data, defeating TypeScript’s purpose of type safety. Instead, opt for unknown when the type is uncertain. Unlike any, unknown requires type-checking before you can perform operations on it, enforcing safety.

function processInput(input: unknown) {
  if (typeof input === "string") {

4. Use Readonly and Immutable Types for Safety

Adding readonly to properties can prevent accidental mutation, which is valuable in many scenarios, particularly when dealing with data structures that shouldn’t change once initialized.

interface Product {
  readonly id: number;
  readonly name: string;
  price: number;

Using readonly for properties that shouldn’t be altered reduces bugs and clarifies the immutability of certain data in your code.

5. Define Utility Types for Reusability

TypeScript offers several utility types (Partial, Pick, Omit, Readonly, etc.) that make your code more concise and help avoid repetitive definitions. For instance, if you want a version of User with all optional properties, use Partial<User>.

type OptionalUser = Partial<User>;

These utility types simplify handling variations in types, making your code more versatile.

6. Define Return Types Explicitly

When defining functions, always specify the return type. This not only makes the code more predictable but also helps TypeScript catch errors if the function behavior changes later.

function getUser(id: number): User | null {
  // logic to fetch user

Explicit return types reduce ambiguity and help ensure the function behaves as expected.

7. Handle Null and Undefined Safely

Types like null and undefined often cause runtime errors if not handled properly. TypeScript provides the optional chaining (?.) and nullish coalescing (??) operators to handle these cases gracefully.

const userName = user?.profile?.name ?? "Guest";

These operators help you avoid common pitfalls around null values without complex, nested checks.

8. Utilize Enum for Meaningful Values

Enums in TypeScript allow you to define a set of named constants. They make your code more expressive and prevent the use of arbitrary strings or numbers.

enum UserRole {
  Admin = "ADMIN",
  User = "USER",
  Guest = "GUEST",

function assignRole(role: UserRole) {
  // logic here

Enums are particularly useful when dealing with a fixed set of options, making the code self-documenting and reducing errors.

9. Use never for Exhaustive Checks

When working with union types, use never to ensure exhaustive checking in switch cases. This ensures that if new cases are added to the union, TypeScript will throw an error if they are not handled.

type Shape = Circle | Square | Triangle;

function getArea(shape: Shape) {
  switch (shape.type) {
    case "circle":
      return Math.PI * shape.radius ** 2;
    case "square":
      return shape.side * shape.side;
      const _exhaustiveCheck: never = shape;
      return _exhaustiveCheck;

This never type-checking technique reduces the risk of unhandled cases, ensuring your code is exhaustive and type-safe.

10. Keep Functions Pure and Concise

Writing pure functions — functions without side effects — helps prevent unpredictable behavior and makes testing simpler. TypeScript shines when used in functional programming as it enforces purity in function design, encouraging you to keep functions concise and predictable.

function add(a: number, b: number): number {
  return a + b;

Pure functions are easier to test, debug, and understand, making your TypeScript code more robust.


Writing better TypeScript code means focusing on strong typing, code consistency, and best practices that make your codebase more resilient, maintainable, and scalable. As you apply these tips, you’ll find that your TypeScript code becomes cleaner, less error-prone, and more enjoyable to work with. Remember, writing better TypeScript is a continuous journey, and these practices will only grow your skills further.

Call to Action

Ready to level up your TypeScript skills? Try implementing these tips in your next project and see how they improve your development process. Let’s make TypeScript code better, one line at a time!

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